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Ik vond op Clean Clothes campagne website een mooie artikel Top 10 Excuses …For not paying a Living Wage, and why they’re wrong. Dit is alvast één mythe over de verkoopprijs!
Excuse 2: Consumers don’t want to pay more for their shirts

It is true that consumers have become used to paying only a very small amount for their clothing.
It is worth noting however that a garment workers’ wage is only 1-3% of the total cost of most garments.
If a consumer is paying 8 euros for a shirt, the worker who made it is receiving only 24 cents at most.
To double this wage would only be another 24 cents. The consumer will barely notice this type of increase, and if a consumer won’t notice it, a company probably won’t notice it that much either. These types of costs could be absorbed into company profit margins who make millions of euros per annum in profits.
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